After employees have updated their Availability on WorkRoster from their own User Accounts this information is available to roster managers to help them decide shift assignments.
Availability on existing Shift Assignments
When a user has marked themselves as available for the corresponding time period that matches their shift assignment a green box is displayed on the shift assignment.
If they have marked themselves as unavailable, then a red box is displayed on the shift assignment.
If the shift spans a period where the user has marked themselves both available and unavailable at different times, then a green/red striped box is displayed.
If a grey box is displayed, then the user has yet to indicate any sort of availability ( ie. available or unavailable) for the period of this shift.
When a clear box is displayed this means that there no user connected to that employee record, so there is no way for any availability to be registered.
Employee availability shown on shift assignments.
Availability on the Assignment Menu
When assigning employees to shifts their registered availability is displayed on the assignment menu.
A coloured box on each employee row shows their availability. Tooltips are shown when the mouse pointer hovers over the availability boxes.
Employee Availability shown on the Assignment Menu.
Availability Rows on the roster
The Availability Row menu tab can be used to change the availability rows that can be displayed on the roster.
Availability Row menu tab.
The various Availability Row options are:
Hide Availability Row - the availability row is removed from the display.
No availability row is shown on the roster.
Just My Availabiltiy - the availbility row for the currently logged in user is displayed.
Availability Row showing Just My Availability.
Dynamic Availability Row - The availability row is shown and the named employee for the row dynamically changes as the mouse is moved over different employees on the roster and assignment menus.
Availability row employee changes dynamically.
All With Availabilty - Availability rows are displayed for all employees where the connected user has registered some availability.
All employees that have entered some sort of availability is shown in the Availability Rows.
All Users - Availabilty Rows are displayed for employees that are connected to a user account.
The Availability Rows for all users connected to the workforce is shown.
All Employees - Availability rows are displayed for all employees (including employees that are not yet connected with a user account and therefore can not register any sort of availability anyway).
Availability Rows shown for all employees.
Because availability can be changed at any time, managers and employees should be aware that changing one's availability to unavailable is not a valid way to decline a shift assignment.
The purpose of Availability on WorkRoster is to help roster managers more quickly make good assignment decisions. Employees should be encouraged to register their availability early and well in advance of the time when roster managers are scheduling shift assignments.
If your company does need or use the WorkRoster Availability feature (perhaps because all employees are full time and are expected to be available all the time) then the Availability feature can be turned off in Workforce Settings. This will cause the associated controls and indicators to be removed from the roster view and thus clean-up the display.